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Charlotte-Area Sales Volume Trends

The graph above depicts the sales volume of previously owned homes sold in the Charlotte area in the past several years, based on data from the Canopy MLS. Currently we are displaying data through the end of December 2024, and we will start including January 2025 data in this chart soon (as the January sales numbers continue to get reported).

How Seasonal Are Home Sales in the Charlotte Area?

Home sales in the Charlotte area are actually fairly seasonal. For example, 2,197 previously owned homes sold in the month of January, 2023 (single family, townhome and condos combined). In May of that same year, 81.5% more homes sold (i.e., 3,987 homes).

Sales volumes typically peak in late spring and early summer. And sales volumes normally reach their lowest point closer to Thanksgiving and the Christmas / New Years holiday season.

That being said, people sell homes at all times of year. Most of the catalysts that cause people to buy and sell a home – job changes, marriage, divorce, illness, expanding or contracting household sizes, etc. – occur all year round.

Lyn Palmer
REALTOR / Buyer’s Agent
(may represent potential buyers)
Offering Realtor rebates
Real estate broker

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