If you'd like to get the most-up-to-date information on Mooreland Estates neighborhood house values, you may want to use this site to view
recently sold homes in
the Mooreland Estates subdivision
of Mooresville.
Terra Vista Realty can assist you in analyzing area home values. We can help you with all aspects of buying or selling real estate in Mooreland Estates and other neighborhoods in Mooresville, North Carolina or County – including
homes for sale in the 28117 ZIP code area.
Just remember to ask our Realtors about the incentives we offer, including Realtor rebates on Mooreland Estates MLS listings.
The historical information on this page is based on information on single family homes sold in
Mooreland Estates
development in Mooresville, NC via the Carolina
Multiple Listing Services, Inc. for the period indicated above. You can find out more about past sales of MLS listings in the Mooreland Estates community of Mooresville by searching sold properties on this website. On this site, we think you'll be able to find a wealth of information about real estate in Mooreland Estates and other nearby neighborhoods
such as
Idlewood Harbor,
Harbor Point Village, and
Lake Vista.
With the service we got from Terra Vista it is hard to imagine how anyone else would provide a better service.
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Moving from out of state, we used Tom as a buyer's agent…. (He provided) a comfort level no other real estate agent or broker has ever been able to provide us.