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New Homes in Davidson, NC
Currently our website has information on 66 new-construction homes for sale in Davidson. The average listing price for these new homes is $934,000 - with the lowest listed at $210,000 and the highest house priced at $2,985,000.
New Construction Neighborhoods in Davidson
You may be wondering: Which subdivisions in Davidson, NC offer new-construction homes? Some homebuyers will only consider communities with newly built homes because of the lower maintenance and more up-to-date feel that these properties offer. Below are a number of developments where you're likely to find new construction homes for sale.
Homes in new construction developments can sometimes command a premium over houses in older areas - although real estate values depend on many factors beyond the age of a home or subdivision.
If you want to expand your search beyond newly built houses and include pre-owned homes as well, we think you'll find our website offers great tools for doing so. On this site, you'll find information on about 97
homes for sale in Davidson, NC.
If you are concerned about the age of the home you purchase, then you can set up a search that's restricted to given years of construction. In other words, through our site's search criteria you can restrict your search only to MLS listings for homes built in the last three years or five years - or some other number. In addition, once you sign up on the site, you'll have the option to sign up for email alerts as soon as new homes in Davidson, NC come on the market.
New-construction houses offer certain advantages over pre-owned homes. One of the key advantages of recently built homes in Davidson is that they have that new construction feel and smell – as opposed to a lived-in home. In addition, if you contract on a to-be-built home, you’ll typically have the ability to select several home finishes – such as cabinets, paint color, carpet, hardwood type and tile. Terra Vista Realty has experience working with a wide range of homebuilders, and we offer a substantial commission rebate on newly built homes. Ask about our rebate for homebuyers, which can often be combined with builder incentives that may be offered.
We can assist you in finding MLS listings of Davidson NC homes built by such homebuilders as Alan Simonini Homes, Arthur Rutenberg, Classica Homes, Copper Builders, David Weekley, DR Horton, Holliday Homes, LLC, John Marshall Custom Homes, Keystone Custom Homes, Lennar, Meeting Street, MI Homes, Plattner, and Saussy Burbank.
We wholeheartedly recommend Tom to anyone who is looking for someone who will give them an honest assessment of the value and condition of a property, advice on how to deal with the unexpected, and who will go out of his way to make the buying of a property a smooth one.
Tom was very professional, courteous and forthcoming at all times. I felt like my interests were always being protected and that details were being followed-through on.