888 Hillard Lane, Lincolnton, NC 28092https://www.terravistarealty.com/single-property-details.cfm?PID=CMLS4220035888 Hillard Lane LincolntonNC28092
888 Hillard Ln Lincolnton, NC 28092
3 Beds
2 Baths
1,230 Sq Ft
Subdivision: Magna Vista
Added: 4 hrs, 22 min ago
Open House: Sat. 02/15
Primary on Main
2147 Stanley Drive, Lincolnton, NC 28092https://www.terravistarealty.com/single-property-details.cfm?PID=CMLS42218112147 Stanley Drive LincolntonNC28092
268 Policarp Street, Lincolnton, NC 28092https://www.terravistarealty.com/single-property-details.cfm?PID=CMLS4221573268 Policarp Street LincolntonNC28092
268 Policarp St Lincolnton, NC 28092
3 Beds
2/1 Baths
1,475 Sq Ft
Primary on Main
1571 S Aspen Street, Lincolnton, NC 28092https://www.terravistarealty.com/single-property-details.cfm?PID=CMLS41896041571 S Aspen Street LincolntonNC28092
1571 S Aspen St Lincolnton, NC 28092
(Reduced $8k 4 days ago)
3 Beds
2 Baths
1,593 Sq Ft
Primary on Main
3979 Stoney Creek Drive, Lincolnton, NC 28092https://www.terravistarealty.com/single-property-details.cfm?PID=CMLS41934793979 Stoney Creek Drive LincolntonNC28092
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Ranch Homes in Lincolnton, NC
Currently TerraVistaRealty.com has 4,561 single-story homes actively for sale, including 129 in Lincolnton, NC. The average listing price for the 129 one-story homes in Lincolnton is $244,131. The average price per heated square foot for these homes is $159.
For several reasons, one-story homes tend to cost more than two-story homes of a similar size. For one thing, ranch homes tend to be smaller than two-story homes - so the cost of the land, foundation, roof system, kitchen, etc. tends to get spread across a smaller number of heated square feet. In addition, one-story homes tend to appeal to a wide variety of buyers - making demand sometimes greater for a ranch home than a two-story home. Finally, many residential lots are simply too small to comfortably accommodate a ranch home.
Among the 129 MLS listings for single family homes in Lincolnton, there may be specialty-type properties that interest you. For example, you may be interested in Lincolnton, NC
master-down houses,
new-construction homes,
golf course homes,
ranch homes,
waterfront homes
neighborhoods with a community pool.
You may want to create an account on TerraVistaRealty.com and save a search for single-story homes in Lincolnton, NC. This way you can get instant notifications when new ranch house listings or patio homes appear on the site.
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