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Percentage of Homes Under Contract - Charlotte Area

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The graph above shows the percentage of previously owned homes that have been under contract in the Charlotte metro area over time. Terra Vista Realty tracks this data on a daily basis using Canopy MLS data.

We think our graph offers a good tool to gauge how quickly previously owned homes are getting scooped up by buyers. When the percentage of homes under contract is high, demand will be strong relative to supply - driving up prices. Conversely, the lower the percentage of homes under contract, the more of a buyer's market exists.

By the way, you can also use this graph to better understand the seasonality of home sales.

Today, approximately 39% of available Charlotte-area, re-sale homes on the market are under contract (including single family, townhomes and condos). Let’s see how that compares with the same time of year in past years:

Percentage of Available Re-Sale Homes Under Contract

Today 1 year
2 years
3 years
39% 50% 53% 79%

Lyn Palmer
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