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Recently Sold Houses - Glenmere Neighborhood
If you're looking for MLS listings for recently sold properties in Glenmere subdivision in
Belmont, NC, we have you covered.
In the past 12 months, 5 single family homes have sold in the Glenmere neighborhood for a median price of $1,047,250 with a median price per square foot of $316.
28012 ZIP Code Trends
28012 ZIP Code Trends
In Our ZIP Code Analysis (updated daily), we found that 28012 is the 52nd most competitive area for buyers out of 65 ZIP codes analyzed in the Charlotte metro area.
In the 28012 ZIP code, for the past 90 days the following trends have occurred for previously owned homes listed in the Canopy MLS:
40 Median Days Until Pending
Homes (that actually sold) went under contract after a median of 40 cumulative days on market in the 28012 area.
Compare this with the Charlotte metro area median of 33 days on market.
33% of previously owned 28012-area homes are under contract – compared with 37% of all homes in the Charlotte metro area.
Price Per Square Foot Change
28012 Area
Metro Area
- 7%
- 2%
+ 4%
+ 5%
The price per square foot of 28012-area re-sale homes has
increased by approximately 58%
over the past 5 years (versus
a 58% increase
for the entire Charlotte metro area). Homes have been selling at a median of $229 per square foot in 28012 over the past 90 days - as compared to $212 for the entire metro area.
40 Median Days Until Pending
Homes (that actually sold) went under contract after a median of 40 cumulative days on market in the 28012 area.
Compare this with the Charlotte metro area median of 33 days on market.
The price per square foot of 28012-area re-sale homes has
increased by approximately 58%
over the past 5 years (versus
a 58% increase
for the entire Charlotte metro area). Homes have been selling at a median of $229 per square foot in 28012 over the past 90 days - as compared to $212 for the entire metro area.
33% of Available Homes Are Under Contract
33% of previously owned 28012-area homes are under contract – compared with 37% of all homes in the Charlotte metro area.
If you'd like to talk to one of our Realtors about selling your home in the Glenmere subdivision in Belmont, then we invite you to give us call.
You can also use our website to research recently sold homes in Belmont in general.