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Recently Sold Houses - Spring Shore Neighborhood
If you're looking for MLS listings for recently sold properties in Spring Shore subdivision in
Statesville, NC, we have you covered.
In the past 12 months, 12 single family homes have sold in the Spring Shore neighborhood for a median price of $300,000 with a median price per square foot of $195. As of today, we have 2 homes that are actively for sale in Spring Shore.
28677 ZIP Code Trends
In the 28677 ZIP code, for the past 90 days – compared to the same time period last year – the following trends have occurred for single-family, previously owned homes listed in the Canopy MLS:
Median $ / Sq Ft: The median price per square foot has decreased by 5.4% to $158
Days Until Pending: Homes (that actually sold) went under contract after a median of 41 cumulative days on market (compared to 28 days on market for the same time period last year).
Percentage of Asking: Homes have been selling at a median of 100.0% of the asking price over the past three months. And compared to the same time period, the percentage of homes selling at or above the asking price has
increased from 33.3% of transactions last year to 53.3% this year.
See more
In the 28677 ZIP code, the percentage of single-family, previously owned homes selling above the asking price has
increased to 18.3% of transactions for the past 90 days – compared to 8.3% of transactions for the same time period last year.
See examples of recently sold homes selling above the asking price here.
If you'd like to talk to one of our Realtors about selling your home in the Spring Shore subdivision in Statesville (or another Iredell County neighborhood), then we invite you to give us call.
You can also use our website to research recently sold homes in Statesville in general.