Homes for Sale in St James Elementary School, Denver
Are you looking for homes for sale in the St James Elementary School district in Denver, North Carolina? Currently Terra Vista Realty has 68 single family homes for sale where St James Elementary School is identified as the zoned elementary school in our database - as well as 11 condos or townhouses.
In addition, here you'll find more about neighborhoods or subdivisions in the St James Elementary School zone.
1422 Spring Ridge Lane, Denver, NC 28037 Spring Ridge Lane DenverNC28037
1422 Spring Ridge Ln Denver, NC 28037
(Reduced $10k today)
2 Beds
2 Baths
1,990 Sq Ft
2-car Garage
Subdivision: The Springs At Westport Club
Back on Market: 2 hrs, 4 min ago
Back on Market: 2 hrs, 4 min ago
Primary on Main
616 Lhasa Apso Lane, Iron Station, NC 28080 Lhasa Apso Lane Iron StationNC28080
616 Lhasa Apso Ln Iron Station, NC 28080
(Reduced $10k today)
3 Beds
2 Baths
1,489 Sq Ft
Subdivision: Plank Estates
Primary Up
2031 Killian Creek Drive, Denver, NC 28037 Killian Creek Drive DenverNC28037
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Are you looking for homes for sale in the St James Elementary School district in Denver, North Carolina? Currently Terra Vista Realty has 68 single family homes for sale where St James Elementary School is identified as the zoned elementary school in our database - as well as 11 condos or townhouses.
In addition, here you'll find more about neighborhoods or subdivisions in the St James Elementary School zone.
Our website users who are interested in homes for sale in the St James Elementary School district are also often interested in these other nearby schools and/or feeder schools:
By clicking through to individual MLS listings via the links above, you should be able to find information on which subdivisions or neighborhoods are served by St James Elementary School and which are not. (Please note that neighborhood school assignments for St James Elementary School are subject to change. In other words, subdivisions and homes assigned to St James Elementary School today may not remain that way in the future.) On this web site, you can also see
homes for sale in the 28037 zip code area.
(Note: There may be additional homes that are served by St James Elementary School, beyond those listed above. This is true because not every home in our database has a zone school identified.)
We currently have a record of 11 condos and townhouses and town homes where St James Elementary School has been identified as the zoned school. Click here to see those real estate listings.
We also have 7 lots for sale in area neighborhoods in the St James Elementary School zone. Click here to see those real estate listings.
*The public schools zoned for subdivisions or MLS listings shown on this page should be verified by buyers before purchasing any property. In addition, public school assignments are subject to change.
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