Homes for Sale in Riverview Elementary School, Fort Mill
Are you looking for homes for sale in the Riverview Elementary School district in Fort Mill, South Carolina? Currently Terra Vista Realty has 55 single family homes for sale where Riverview Elementary School is identified as the zoned elementary school in our database - as well as 23 condos or townhouses.
In addition, here you'll find more about neighborhoods or subdivisions in the Riverview Elementary School zone.
209 Choate Avenue, Fort Mill, SC 29708 Choate Avenue Fort MillSC29708
209 Choate Ave Fort Mill, SC 29708
5 Beds
3/1 Baths
2,688 Sq Ft
2-car Garage
Subdivision: Sutton Place
Condo or TH
Primary on Main
New Construction
4475 Potters Wheel Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 Potters Wheel Drive Fort MillSC29715
4475 Potters Wheel Dr Fort Mill, SC 29715
(Reduced $9,520 yesterday)
3 Beds
2/1 Baths
2,007 Sq Ft
2-car Garage
Subdivision: Elizabeth
Condo or TH
Primary on Main
New Construction
4499 Potters Wheel Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 Potters Wheel Drive Fort MillSC29715
4499 Potters Wheel Dr Fort Mill, SC 29715
(Reduced $7,520 yesterday)
3 Beds
2/1 Baths
2,007 Sq Ft
2-car Garage
Subdivision: Elizabeth
Condo or TH
Primary on Main
New Construction
4491 Potters Wheel Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 Potters Wheel Drive Fort MillSC29715
4491 Potters Wheel Dr Fort Mill, SC 29715
(Reduced $9,520 yesterday)
3 Beds
2/1 Baths
1,979 Sq Ft
2-car Garage
Subdivision: Elizabeth
Primary on Main
New Construction
4540 Potters Wheel Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 Potters Wheel Drive Fort MillSC29715
4540 Potters Wheel Dr Fort Mill, SC 29715
(Reduced $7,300 yesterday)
4 Beds
3/1 Baths
2,801 Sq Ft
2-car Garage
Subdivision: Elizabeth
Primary Up
New Construction
1793 Otter Perch Lane, Fort Mill, SC 29715 Otter Perch Lane Fort MillSC29715
1793 Otter Perch Ln Fort Mill, SC 29715
(Reduced $7,510 yesterday)
3 Beds
2/1 Baths
2,016 Sq Ft
2-car Garage
Subdivision: Elizabeth
Primary Up
New Construction
1812 Otter Perch Lane, Fort Mill, SC 29715 Otter Perch Lane Fort MillSC29715
1812 Otter Perch Ln Fort Mill, SC 29715
(Reduced $7,660 yesterday)
4 Beds
2/1 Baths
2,158 Sq Ft
2-car Garage
Subdivision: Elizabeth
Primary Up
New Construction
1811 Otter Perch Lane, Fort Mill, SC 29715 Otter Perch Lane Fort MillSC29715
1811 Otter Perch Ln Fort Mill, SC 29715
(Reduced $13,510 yesterday)
3 Beds
2/1 Baths
2,023 Sq Ft
2-car Garage
Subdivision: Elizabeth
Condo or TH
3rd Flr Primary
New Construction
4084 Skyboat Circle, Fort Mill, SC 29715 Skyboat Circle Fort MillSC29715
4084 Skyboat Cir Fort Mill, SC 29715
(Reduced $14,560 yesterday)
3 Beds
3/1 Baths
2,054 Sq Ft
2-car Garage
Subdivision: Elizabeth
Condo or TH
3rd Flr Primary
New Construction
4096 Skyboat Circle, Fort Mill, SC 29715 Skyboat Circle Fort MillSC29715
4096 Skyboat Cir Fort Mill, SC 29715
(Reduced $10,060 yesterday)
3 Beds
3/1 Baths
2,054 Sq Ft
2-car Garage
Subdivision: Elizabeth
Primary Up
New Construction
4552 Potters Wheel Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 Potters Wheel Drive Fort MillSC29715
4552 Potters Wheel Dr Fort Mill, SC 29715
(Reduced $7,580 yesterday)
4 Beds
2/1 Baths
2,964 Sq Ft
2-car Garage
Subdivision: Elizabeth
Primary Up
New Construction
4558 Potters Wheel Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 Potters Wheel Drive Fort MillSC29715
4558 Potters Wheel Dr Fort Mill, SC 29715
(Reduced $7,560 yesterday)
5 Beds
4/1 Baths
3,322 Sq Ft
2-car Garage
Subdivision: Elizabeth
Primary Up
New Construction
1797 Otter Perch Lane, Fort Mill, SC 29715 Otter Perch Lane Fort MillSC29715
1797 Otter Perch Ln Fort Mill, SC 29715
(Reduced $13,780 yesterday)
4 Beds
2/1 Baths
2,158 Sq Ft
2-car Garage
Subdivision: Elizabeth
Primary Up
New Construction
1807 Otter Perch Lane, Fort Mill, SC 29715 Otter Perch Lane Fort MillSC29715
1807 Otter Perch Ln Fort Mill, SC 29715
(Reduced $13,360 yesterday)
4 Beds
2/1 Baths
2,158 Sq Ft
2-car Garage
Subdivision: Elizabeth
Primary Up
100 Melrose Court, Fort Mill, SC 29715 Melrose Court Fort MillSC29715
100 Melrose Ct Fort Mill, SC 29715
4 Beds
2/1 Baths
2,321 Sq Ft
2-car Garage
Subdivision: Merryweather Farms
Primary on Main
110 Creekside Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 Creekside Drive Fort MillSC29715
2087 Bonds Lane, Fort Mill, SC 29715 Bonds Lane Fort MillSC29715
2087 Bonds Ln Fort Mill, SC 29715
4 Beds
3 Baths
2,554 Sq Ft
2-car Garage
Subdivision: Millbank
Primary on Main
3089 Virginia Trail Court, Fort Mill, SC 29715 Virginia Trail Court Fort MillSC29715
3089 Virginia Trail Ct Fort Mill, SC 29715
3 Beds
2/1 Baths
2,414 Sq Ft
2-car Garage
Subdivision: Elizabeth
Open House: Sat. 02/15
Primary on Main
401 Pine Street, Fort Mill, SC 29715 Pine Street Fort MillSC29715
401 Pine St Fort Mill, SC 29715
4 Beds
3 Baths
2,276 Sq Ft
Subdivision: Whiteville Park
Condo or TH
3rd Flr Primary
New Construction
4076 Skyboat Circle, Fort Mill, SC 29715 Skyboat Circle Fort MillSC29715
4076 Skyboat Cir Fort Mill, SC 29715
3 Beds
3/1 Baths
2,035 Sq Ft
2-car Garage
Subdivision: Elizabeth
Condo or TH
3rd Flr Primary
New Construction
4080 Skyboat Circle, Fort Mill, SC 29715 Skyboat Circle Fort MillSC29715
4080 Skyboat Cir Fort Mill, SC 29715
3 Beds
3/1 Baths
2,035 Sq Ft
2-car Garage
Subdivision: Elizabeth
Condo or TH
Primary Up
New Construction
4527 Potters Wheel Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 Potters Wheel Drive Fort MillSC29715
4527 Potters Wheel Dr Fort Mill, SC 29715
3 Beds
3 Baths
1,905 Sq Ft
2-car Garage
Subdivision: Elizabeth
Condo or TH
Primary Up
New Construction
4519 Potters Wheel Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 Potters Wheel Drive Fort MillSC29715
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Are you looking for homes for sale in the Riverview Elementary School district in Fort Mill, South Carolina? Currently Terra Vista Realty has 55 single family homes for sale where Riverview Elementary School is identified as the zoned elementary school in our database - as well as 23 condos or townhouses.
In addition, here you'll find more about neighborhoods or subdivisions in the Riverview Elementary School zone.
Our website users who are interested in homes for sale in the Riverview Elementary School district are also often interested in these other nearby schools that you might want to check out:
Riverview Elementary School is located in York County, South Carolina. The school's address is 1300 Spratt Street in Fort Mill, SC 29715. Riverview Elementary School is part of the York 4 school district.
We currently have a record of 23 condos and townhouses and town homes where Riverview Elementary School has been identified as the zoned school. Click here to see those real estate listings.
We also have 5 lots for sale in area neighborhoods in the Riverview Elementary School zone. Click here to see those real estate listings.
*The public schools zoned for subdivisions or MLS listings shown on this page should be verified by buyers before purchasing any property. In addition, public school assignments are subject to change.
Terra Vista Realty was a pleasure to work with and exceeded our expectations. Put simply, we received twice the service for half the price.
Tom was very professional, courteous and forthcoming at all times. I felt like my interests were always being protected and that details were being followed-through on.