1771 Creekstone Court went under contract with a buyer after 190 cumulative days on market. But there's always a chance that this property could go back on the market. If you want to get a quick email update if the contract falls through, we'd suggest that you save this property to your favorites. Also, on our website, it's a good idea to create an account and save your property searches - so you can get instant updates on new or changed listings that meet your buying criteria!
1771 Creekstone Court went under contract with a buyer after 190 cumulative days on market. But there's always a chance that this property could go back on the market. If you want to get a quick email update if the contract falls through, we'd suggest that you save this property to your favorites. Also, on our website, it's a good idea to create an account and save your property searches - so you can get instant updates on new or changed listings that meet your buying criteria!
New Construction
: Under Construction
New construction to be completed by end of January. No HOA! No city taxes! This home is built of concrete. Superior walls that will be energy efficient - easy to cool and heat, one of the first in the area. You must see! Back yard boasts wooded privacy and a creek. Square footage is approximate.
Rebates For Buyers
Yes, we’ll pay you to buy a home through us.
General Info - MLS # 4160058
Construction Status: Under Construction Master / Primary Bedroom:
Main floor Parking:
Driveway Year Built: 2024
(new construction) Property Type:
Single Family Home
Price/Sq Ft: $229/SqFt Listing Status:
Under Contract
Lincoln County
Listing History
Cumulative Days on Market: 190
Last checked for updates: 0 minute ago
01/23/2025: Status changed to Under Contract
01/07/2025: Status changed to Active 01/01/2025: Status changed to off market 07/10/2024: MLS # 4160058 listed at $275,000
*School ratings sourced from CarolinaSchoolHub. The school information above is derived from the property's location. To verify enrollment eligibility, please contact the school directly.
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Main Floor: Primary Bedroom
(Total: 3 bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms)
Bedrooms: 3 Baths:
2 full
Total Heated Square Feet:
1,200 Heated Sq Ft Breakdown:
Main: 1,200
Lot Size:
.4 acres
Lot Description: Cul-De-Sac Lot Lot Dimensions: 214x107x67x16x9x32x18x133x32 Siding: Other - See Remarks
Interior Features
Flooring: Vinyl Appliances: Electric Range
Other / Miscellaneous
Foundation: Slab Water: City Sewer: Public Sewer Courtesy of: NorthGroup Real Estate LLC Agent: Penny Galop Email: pennygalop@gmail.com Cooling: Central Air Heating: Central Fireplace: None Horse Amenities: None
Lyn Palmer
REALTOR / Buyer’s Agent, offering Realtor rebates (may represent potential buyers of this property)
Please note: The listing that you are inquiring about has a listing status of "Under Contract". This means that unfortunately, the property seller has already accepted an offer from another potential homebuyer. Due to the volume of requests, we cannot respond to the majority of inquiries on properties that are already under contract.
Please note: The listing that you are inquiring about has a listing status of "Under Contract". This means that unfortunately, the property seller has already accepted an offer from another potential homebuyer.
Due to the volume of requests, we cannot respond to the majority of inquiries on properties that are already under contract. If you see a property where the listing status reads "Under Contract", you may want to click on the "Save" button on the listing page. When you save a listing, you can get automated email updates if a property that's under contract goes back to active status. In other words, if the existing contract falls through, you have the option of getting an email update right away. This is a feature that you may want to take advantage of for this particular property, since it's under contract.
Note About MLS # 4160058
1771 Creekstone Court went under contract with a buyer after 190 cumulative days on market. But there's always a chance that this property could go back on the market. If you want to get a quick email update if the contract falls through, we'd suggest that you save this property to your favorites. Also, on our website, it's a good idea to create an account and save your property searches - so you can get instant updates on new or changed listings that meet your buying criteria!
1771 Creekstone Court went under contract with a buyer after 190 cumulative days on market. But there's always a chance that this property could go back on the market. If you want to get a quick email update if the contract falls through, we'd suggest that you save this property to your favorites. Also, on our website, it's a good idea to create an account and save your property searches - so you can get instant updates on new or changed listings that meet your buying criteria!
New construction to be completed by end of January. No HOA! No city taxes! This home is built of concrete. Superior walls that will be energy efficient - easy to cool and heat, one of the first in the area. You must see! Back yard boasts wooded privacy and a creek. Square footage is approximate.
General Info - MLS 4160058
Construction Status: Under Construction Master / Primary Bedroom:
Main floor Parking:
Driveway Year Built: 2024
(new construction) Property Type:
Single Family Home
Price/Sq Ft: $229/SqFt Listing Status:
Under Contract
Lincoln County
*School ratings sourced from CarolinaSchoolHub. The school information above is derived from the property's location. To verify enrollment eligibility, please contact the school directly.
Listing History
Cumulative Days on Market: 190
Last checked for updates: 0 minute ago
01/23/2025: Status changed to Under Contract
01/07/2025: Status changed to Active 01/01/2025: Status changed to off market 07/10/2024: MLS # 4160058 listed at $275,000
Map / Satellite View
Monthly Payment
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Main Floor: Primary Bedroom
(Total: 3 bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms)
Bedrooms: 3 Baths:
2 full
Total Heated Square Feet:
1,200 Heated Sq Ft Breakdown:
Main: 1,200
Lot Size:
.4 acres
Lot Description: Cul-De-Sac Lot Lot Dimensions: 214x107x67x16x9x32x18x133x32 Siding: Other - See Remarks
Interior Features
Flooring: Vinyl Appliances: Electric Range
Other / Miscellaneous
Foundation: Slab Water: City Sewer: Public Sewer Courtesy of: NorthGroup Real Estate LLC Agent: Penny Galop Email: pennygalop@gmail.com Cooling: Central Air Heating: Central Fireplace: None Horse Amenities: None
Lyn Palmer
REALTOR / Buyer’s Agent, offering 1% Realtor rebates (may represent potential buyers of this property)
28092 ZIP Code Trends
28092 ZIP Code Trends
most competitive out of 65 ZIP Codes
In our ZIP Code Analysis (updated daily), we found that 28092 is the 53rd most competitive area for buyers out of 65 ZIP codes analyzed in the Charlotte metro area.
In the 28092 ZIP code, for the past 90 days the following trends have occurred for previously owned homes listed in the Canopy MLS:
45 Median Days Until Pending
Homes (that actually sold) went under contract after a median of 45 cumulative days on market in the 28092 area.
Compare this with the Charlotte metro area median of 33 days on market.
38% of previously owned 28092-area homes are under contract – compared with 37% of all homes in the Charlotte metro area.
28092 Median Home Prices
Median Single Family Price*
*Based on the last previous 90 days of home sales in the Canopy MLS. Previously owned homes only.
Price Per Square Foot Change
28092 Area
Metro Area
- 3%
- 2%
+ 7%
+ 5%
The price per square foot of 28092-area re-sale homes has
increased by approximately 59%
over the past 5 years (versus
a 58% increase
for the entire Charlotte metro area). Homes have been selling at a median of $181 per square foot in 28092 over the past 90 days - as compared to $212 for the entire metro area. The numbers cited are based on the price per heated square foot for single family, townhomes, and condos combined.
47 Median Days Until Pending
Homes (that actually sold) went under contract after a median of 47 cumulative days on market in the 28092 area.
Compare this with the Charlotte metro area median of 33 days on market.
The price per square foot of 28092-area re-sale homes has
increased by approximately 59%
over the past 5 years (versus
a 58% increase
for the entire Charlotte metro area). Homes have been selling at a median of $181 per square foot in 28092 over the past 90 days - as compared to $212 for the entire metro area. The numbers cited are based on the price per heated square foot for single family, townhomes, and condos combined.
38% of Available Homes Are Under Contract
38% of previously owned 28092-area homes are under contract – compared with 37% of all homes in the Charlotte metro area.
ZIP Code Trends
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ZIP Code Trends
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More Home Details
Additional Details
Levels: One Other Structures: None Property ID: 82051 Listing Agreement: Exclusive Right To Sell Street: Concrete Security Features: Smoke Detector(s)
HOA Information
Subject to HOA: No
More Home Details
Additional Details
Levels: One Other Structures: None Property ID: 82051 Listing Agreement: Exclusive Right To Sell Street: Concrete Security Features: Smoke Detector(s)